Update : we extend the deadline until August 24, 2020
Terre des hommes Foundation in Romania is looking for a communication agency to help raise awareness of the ”Keeping Children Safe in Sports” project. The services are required between October 2020 -March 2021. Please see conditions below and in the document attached at the bottom of the article. We kindly invite you to send us offers until August 20th 2020, at cristina.vladescu@tdh.ch / iulia.stancu@tdh.ch
About Terre des hommes in general and Tdh in Romania
Terre des hommes, the leading Swiss organization for children`s aid, has been active in Romania for the past 28 years, protecting the rights of children. Through our strategic projects, we strengthen the child protection system and improve opportunities for underprivileged children and their families. We are specialized in community integrated services, child and youth participation, social inclusion, and psycho-social support. Our main intervention areas are child protection, children and youth affected by migration, and children in contact with the law. Building the resilience of children and youth, and ensuring their participation in decision-making are key elements of our work. In 2019, over 16.000 children have benefited from our projects.
For many years, Tdh has been one of the main NGOs worldwide promoting the benefits of sports in bringing physical health and contributing to positive social outcomes among vulnerable, displaced and migrant/refugee populations.
About the Keeping children safe in sports project
The “Keeping Children Safe in Sports” project, coordinated by Tdh Romania and implemented in partnership with Tdh Hellas ( Greece) and Tdh Hungary, has been launched in October 2019 and it is undergoing until September 2021. The project is funded by the “Rights, Citizenship and Equality” Program of the European Union.
The main objective of the project: promoting child safeguarding policies in sports settings in Romania and Greece, as means to protect and safeguard children.
In Romania it is the first project initiated by an NGO with the goal of perfecting the protection of children in sports environment. We have signed partnerships with the National Football Federation and the National Gymnastics Federation.
Specific objectives of the Keeping Children Safe in Sports project :
- Develop safeguarding policies
- Build capacities of professionals in contact with children
- Empower children
- Encourage multi-country exchange and cooperation regarding child safeguarding in sports and recreational settings
Communication objectives
A) October -Mid December 2020
A media campaign raising awareness within parents, children, sports and child protection professionals in Romania about the definition and importance of child safety in any sports environment.
This campaign should include one video (to be created in 2020) and communication about a round table conference (October 2020).
B) January -March 2021
A media campaign that will include a nationwide drawing competition organized for children, the creation and launch of the quality label “child safe environment“ in Romania, and an award ceremony.
To be included: one press conference, a press release, communication materials.
Both campaigns will :
- explain physical and emotional limits in working with children in sports environments (professional and recreational)
- promote the quality label “safe child environment“, as a guarantee of safety
- emphasize the idea of “keeping children safe” and the importance of all settings to be “child safe environment”.
To be delivered:
-Mid October 2020: communication plan for the specified objectives
-Every month of the contract : report on the communication activities
-End of March 2021: final report
Target audiences
- families, parents, children in Romania
- sports and child protection professionals in Romania
Evaluation indicators
- reaching out to at least 15.000 people (online)
- articles explaining the cause on at least 2 major sports news websites, on 4 top parenting blogs.
- the support of 2 sports influencers.
Important specifications
- Part of the communication plan must be implemented in a specific time frame (see above), due to the fixed guidelines of the project.
- Experience in communicating about social projects for children and understanding child perspective will be a plus in the selection of the agency.
- The messages will be agreed upon together with the specialists in child protection from the ``Keeping Children Safe in Sports`` project and adapted to the pandemic context at that time.
- The messages should generally take into consideration the visibility rules of Terre des hommes Foundation in Romania and of the donor (European Commission)
- The planning should be coordinated with other communication activities of Terre des hommes Foundation in Romania
- Part of the visual identity and communication materials have been already created within the Foundation and can be used (child friendly materials, for example).