Keeping children safe in sports means preventing any ways in which the child can be negatively affected – emotionally, verbally or physically – wherever they train or do sports, either recreationally or for performance.

Through this project, the Terre des hommes Foundation will ensure that children and youth benefit from special safety and protection policies while they practice various sports.
In the beginning, the agreements were signed by the Romanian Football and Romanian Gymnastics Federations, but the Foundation invites other sports federations and organizations to join the project, to ensure that children’s rights are respected in all contexts in Romania. In the following years, the Terre des hommes Foundation, with support from its partners, will develop protection and safety policies together with professional child sports players. The goal is to offer certificates to clubs that follow these protection and safety standards.
In the two years of the project, we will improve the competences of sports professionals who interact with children by organizing at least 20 courses on the topic of safety and protection of children in the sports and recreational environment, for 120 professionals from 20 sport clubs, active in the Romanian Football Federation and the Romanian Gymnastics Federation. On top of that, we will involve children in all the procedures by listening to their requirements and opinions while encouraging them to make their voices heard and have their rights respected. (There is a Children’s Advisory Group.)
For the entire project (Romania and Greece), the indirect beneficiaries will be thousands of young adults aged between 12 and 18 years old, who play sports and professionals in clubs and camps.
The “Keeping Children Safe in Sports” project is also being implemented by Terre des hommes Greece, together with Terre des hommes Hungary.
“Keeping Children Safe in Sports” is funded through the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme of the European Union – REC-RDAP-GBV-AG-2018.
„Mediu sigur pentru copii în sport” este finanțat prin Programul Drepturi, Egalitate și Cetățenie al Uniunii Europene (REC 2014-2020).
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