What education looks like in 10 communities


A small Terre des hommes team has made a trip to 10 communities in Dolj, Gorj, Olt, Bacău and Vâlcea (Romania), to analyze the factors underlying school dropout. Their observations, which result from the discussions they have had with teachers and students (in focus groups), illustrate the multitude of factors that affect the learning process, especially in the case of students who have special needs, whether they are experiencing attention deficit disorder or others. The pandemic and the pauses taken at the time have obviously accentuated all the problems, especially that of attention and motivation of children, mostly in rural areas.

Read more in the article on the platform of child protection professionals here

The NOROC project (Norwegian-Romanian Initiative for Quality in Education) benefits from a grant offered by Norway through the Norwegian Grants within the Local Development Programme. Partners of Terre des hommes Romania in NOROC: Association for the support of physically handicapped children - Romania Vâlcea branch and FAFO Norway.